Friday 30 July 2010

YouTube - Your 15 minutes of Fame

Here's opportunities from YouTube - an extention to their service and a competition. [ more....]

Friday 23 July 2010

Collaborative Tools

Here's an example of how a system on the internet can let people collaborate for greater effect.

If you missed Muse at Glastonbury this summer, you can get close to the experience on line through ... [ more...]

Friday 16 July 2010

Facebook at the Limits (Privacy Advice)

When you take Facebook too far ....

How would you feel if your picture was in a national newspaper under the headline “I set up the Moat Facebook tributes”? That was what befell Siobhan O’Dowd, left, this morning after using Facebook to glorify the killer gunman Raoul Moat.

It reminds me of advice ... [ more...]

Friday 9 July 2010

A Reflection of the Human Condition? (How can you use social networking for business advantage?)

As a survey in the US suggests 40% of those surveyed admitted to being "Facebook addicts” (and 42% of 18-24 year-old women are okay with sharing photos of themselves on Facebook looking "visibly intoxicated,") the UK government is beginning to use Facebook in a big way.

With an estimated 23 million “users” of Facebook in the UK , the government has just announced a plan to use the “Spending Challenge Channel". They see it as their ‘primary channel’ for communication with the public on the spending cuts issue.

Whether you agree or not with the idea, it raises the question “How can you use social networking for business advantage?” [ more...]

Saturday 3 July 2010

Fab Four Case Study

When the internet first appeared as a serious business tool about 10 years ago, talk was about industries being transformed.

Here's how the music industry is now being transformed, and  the internet-based tools being used. What lessons can be learned by businesses of all types?

[... read more...]